Monday, January 26, 2009

Wacky Wednesdays

I know what your thinking "Miranda Cosgrove" or maybe "Great, that chick". This is About you know a video by Miranda. For some strange reason i am a big fan of this this song. Although i can not relate , its really cute! Her outfit(s) and her friends outfits are super unique. It reminds me of how i would dress if i was singing about some guy who was obviously older than me LOL.Speaking of older did anyone notice the age difference hmm. Ok, ok enough of that (: Any way the reason this video is on here is of course because i like it and because its catchy. If you feel the same here are the lyrics so you can put an end to " butchering" the song.


Moody Monday

Moody Monday

The 5th week of the 1st day of school

It was the 5th week of the first day of school, Moody felt invisible the second she walked into the gates at Nowhere High. She ran to the Library it was the only place she felt safe. She felt shielded from the "outside". The felt walls and smell of books made here feel at home. She grabbed a mirror out of her backpack and stared at herself until it hurt. She stared at her coco skin, dark brown eyes, wavy hair that stopped at her neck,pink lips, and light brown freckle's.She threw the mirror down to the bottom of her backpack and grabbed a seat.She sat there thinking about her life. She thought about great her life was outside of school, her wonderful family, and her house.But she still had this feeling that something was missing, that something unusual was going to happen but before she could figure it out the bell interrupted her thoughts. She hopped out of the blue library chair and walked to class. To be continued...

Tommorow: Ways to keep your NEW look natural!

Picture thanks to http://